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Renae Thomas, MD

International Advisory Board Member, Doctors for Nutrition, Australia

President, American College of Lifestyle Medicine Trainee Executive Board

Co-author of chapter "Risk of Cancer in Vegetarians", in "Vegetarian Nutrition and Wellness", edited by Winston J. Craig

Developer of "Week on WIC", in partnership with San Bernardino County Department of Public Health

Co-author of "Whole Food Plant Based Nutritional Medicine and Culinary Medicine Curriculum for Medical Students", in conjunction with Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium, pending journal publication

Credentialed through YTT 200 hour yoga teacher training, Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India

Renae Thomas, MD is an International Advisory Board Member for the Australia-based nonprofit Doctors for Nutrition, whose motto is Bringing Food Back to Healthcare, and is also the President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine's Trainee Executive Board.  She completed her Australian medical practice degree (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery) at Monash University in Clayton, Victoria, and is now completing her Family Medicine and Preventive Medicine Residency, as well as a Master of Public Health degree in Population Medicine, at Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium.

Dr. Thomas, whose pre-medical specializations were in biomedicine, human physiology and nutrition, has also completed an internship at True North Health Center, and is currently researching the outcomes of a Lifestyle Medicine Curriculum in medical education.  She was co-author of the chapter "Risk of Cancer in Vegetarians", in "Vegetarian Nutrition and Wellness", edited by Winston J. Craig, and of "Whole Food Plant Based Nutritional Medicine and Culinary Medicine Curriculum for Medical Students", in conjunction with Loma Linda University Health Education Consortium, pending journal publication.  She was also the developer of "Week on WIC", in partnership with San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, analyzing the affordability of basic staple whole plant-based foods.

Dr. Thomas' greatest passion and ideal would be empowering  people to optimize their own whole-person physical, psychological and spiritual health and well-being, largely through lifestyle optimization, in an evidence-based supportive sustainable culturally-sensitive non-judgmental and enjoyable fashion, that is easily accessible and efficacious, regardless of socioeconomic status.

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