Zero commercial funding!

Donations STILL Being Triple-Matched up to $11,000 Goal for Our 11th Anniversary!
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Make a donation to Plant-based Prevention Of Disease, Inc. by using the donation button below or by mailing a check payable to “P-POD” to P-POD, P. O. Box 286, Greensboro NC 27402-0286. (Hurricane Helene made our Asheville NC headquarters unusable, so this is our new address in a new city.) Your support is crucial to our nonprofit and devoutly noncommercial conference, and is humbly appreciated!
Why P-POD?
P-POD is the finest U.S. conference of fewer than 100 speakers for explaining the impact that plant-based nutrition, combined with lifestyle medicine and health equity, can have on chronic disease in society.
The P-POD nonprofit has always accepted absolutely zero funding, sponsorship or influence from commercial sources.
P-POD's registration fees per day are lower than those for most fully accredited professional conferences in the U.S.
Most of the distinguished researchers, clinicians and educators who speak at P-POD are women, and close to half are people of color.
Since the 2014 founding, every P-POD Conference has provided continuing education credits to physicians, nurses, dietitians, physician associates and other practitioners.
P-POD was the third conference event producer in the world fully accredited for pre-credentialing of Lifestyle Medicine Diplomates, that remains so certified today.
P-POD's innovative curriculum of 15 Core Topic Areas is of unusually high relevance and value for healthcare practitioners and activists today.
Any nutrition conference should represent Registered Dietitians well among its speakers, and we have done that: 84 RDNs in 18 conferences since our founding.
We believe that as health professionals we should recognize and advocate for the human rights of all persons equally, regardless of their age, race, gender, gender identification, ethnicity, national origin, religious identification or geographic location.
NOW MORE THAN EVER, our evidence-based work against major chronic diseases is of enormous public health importance. One of the factors most closely and undeniably associated with COVID-19's adverse outcomes and fatalities since the pandemic era began, is existing chronic disease.
Plant-based Prevention Of Disease, Inc. is recognized by IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization. Your generous donations may be deductible as part of U.S. tax return itemized deductions. Our federal Employer Identification Number is 47-1328220. Our Mission Statement is here. Our page at (Candid) is here, and direct full profile link is here.

ABOVE, presenting at the 9/30-10/2/23 P-POD Conference in Newark NJ: keynote speaker Michelle McMacken, MD FACP DipABLM, past keynote speaker Kim A. Williams, Sr., MD MACC FAHA MASNC FESC and future June 1-2, 2024 keynote speaker Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, DO MPH MS FAAP DipABLM NBC-HWC.
Thank-you Gifts for Today and Onward!
HERE BELOW, we detail exactly what thank-you gifts would be provided in return for $100, $175, $250 or $375 levels of donations. The amount of your donation, minus the fair market value of the video access or conference admission you receive in return, may be deductible as part of U.S. tax return itemized deductions. For video bundles involved, we would utilize a donor's email address that has any Google login associated with it (not necessarily just for Gmail), to provide open-ended viewing permissions in YouTube without limit in the future. If the email address communicated with your donation does not have an associated Google login, then you may contact us at to provide one that does.
As our small nonprofit looks back on EIGHTEEN past conferences, we wished to share some special moments. Our presentations often cover breaking news from recent scientific research, and others are more timeless in their appeal and their insights, so we have chosen six recordings of the latter kind to offer now to our esteemed donors.
$100 Bundle: From Bob LeRoy, Founder: "We have had hundreds of presentations, but these two seem my favorites, because they reflect an unusual quality of fruitful interactive communication that we cherish at P-POD and always seek in round tables. Drs. Batiste and Pathak had a 100% unprepared Keynote Duet discussion in spring 2023, and it showed how extraordinarily eloquent and enriching it can be when two brilliant individuals come together to chat about topics of enormous societal importance that they care deeply about. At the 2021 height of pandemic shifts from in-person learning to virtual webinars, Drs. Leon and Carral gave us a touching wide-ranging duet about their work with vulnerable populations against chronic disease, and it brought an intimacy, warmth and resonance that we were all then yearning for."
Columbus Batiste, MD FACC FSCAI and Neha Pathak, MD FACP DipABLM:
"How Do Cardiovascular Health and Disease Relate to Women's Health, to Vulnerable Populations' Health Disparities and to Lifestyle Medicine?"
Aurora Leon, MD and Joaquin Carral, MD:
"Reversal of Diabetes and Hypertension in the Most Vulnerable Populations"
$175 Bundle: We are adding four more videos to the two listed above, and all are prepared solos from one to three years ago, and all of them seem to stand the test of time as to relevance as well as practicality or thought-provoking quality!
Yami Cazorla-Lancaster, DO MPH MS FAAP DipABLM NBC-HWC
"Plant-based Diets for Children: Safety, Benefits and Special Considerations"
Timaree Hagenburger, MPH RDN EP-c
"Power of Cultural Food and Simplicity for Sustainable Plant-based Eating"
Andrea Wotan, MPH RDN
"How Plant-Rich Diets Can Help Save the Planet"
Sharan Abdul-Rahman, MD MBA NCMP
"Is the U.S. Failing Women?"
$250 Bundle: Our thank-you gift here is free admission (and all associated continuing education credits that will exist for it, if you need them) to one P-POD virtual conference day of your choice in 2025!
Note that in 2024 we produced SIX virtual conference days, including four Sundays. We do not have exact 2025 dates yet, but we expect a variety of offerings in the range Sept. 14 to Oct. 5.
On whichever date, you will be welcomed to a 7.5 to 8 educational hour livestreamed virtual event, all scheduled roughly from 10 am to 7:45 pm ET (7 am to 4:45 pm PT), including appropriate breaks. When CME gets approved for this, the 7.5-8 hours will apply toward both original credentialing and MOC for Lifestyle Medicine Diplomates. The speakers and agenda will not be announced for a long time, but you are probably familiar with some of our past agendas, and can also take a look at our curriculum of 15 Core Topic Areas.
$375 Bundle: For a $375 donation, we will provide ALL the above thank-you gifts: SIX videos of historic past P-POD presentations, and free admission to one P-POD virtual conference day of your choice in 2025!