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Core Topic Areas

P-POD's Unique Curriculum, Covered at All Full Conferences

Our longtime theme "The Future of Healthcare Begins with Nutrition" and our strong focus on Lifestyle Medicine have led to the following innovative P-POD curriculum, updated again for 2023 onward.  We seek to meet the extremely high standard of representing EACH one of the following important subject areas in one way or another at EACH future full P-POD Conference:

  • Promoting healthful behaviors at the community-program and primary-care levels

  • Cancer prevention and survivorship

  • Cardiovascular health and disease

  • Diabetes prevention or reversal

  • Exercise physiology, and movement in daily lifestyle

  • Health equity, vulnerable populations, and access disparities for care and nutritious-food

  • Kidney health and chronic kidney disease

  • Mental and brain health

  • Microbiota/gut health and dysbiosis;  gut-brain axis;  immune homeostasis and autoimmunity

  • Pediatrics

  • Plant-based nutrition as a practical resource in chronic disease prevention/reversal

  • Restorative (sleep, social connection) and degrading (chronic stress, risky substances) lifestyle factors

  • Women's health

Note that Lifestyle Medicine's Six "Pillars" are embedded throughout the above:  healthful eating of whole plant-based food;  beneficial physical activity;  strategies to manage stress;  forming and maintaining relationships;  improving sleep;  avoiding risky substances.

We have also covered, through seven speakers in recent years, planetary health and degradation, the role of animal agriculture in global warming and environmental damage, and these harms' disparate effects upon marginalized and vulnerable populations.

Sept. 29 + Oct. 6, 2024 Speakers At-a-glance

Virtual Summit Images/Button

Sept. 29 & Oct. 6 Virtual Summit Agendas in 2 Images Below


General Learning Objectives for Conferences Overall

The participant will be able to:

**Identify dietary and other lifestyle-based risk factors associated with development or progression of major chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes or chronic kidney disease.

**Describe evidence for specific protective mechanisms and health benefits that may be provided at cellular, individual and global levels via plant-based nutrition and allied lifestyle measures.

**Discuss how nutritional advisement emphasizing plant-based approaches may be integrated into clinical practice, thus facilitating positive, measurable and cost effective clinical outcomes for various preventable chronic diseases.

**Identify factors that influence dietary and other lifestyle choices, or that discourage behavior change, as well as strategies and techniques for promoting sustainable nutritional advancement in individuals and communities.

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