Zero commercial funding!

Direct Links to 2025 Online Registration, If You Have All Information You Need -- Else Scroll Further Down This Page
The direct links to our 2025 online registration are the FOUR buttons provided here. To find out any other information you may need before registering, such as prices. please use the "Quick Conferences-Overview 2025" list just BELOW here as your road-map / jumping-off-point. Medical residents also qualify for Student registration.​
Quick Conferences-Overview 2025
Registration for all FIVE (see SCHEDULE BELOW) 2025 conference days begins early in January.
Each of the FIVE (see SCHEDULE BELOW) 2025 conference days is offered as a virtual livestream, but the Sunday October 5 one is expected to become northeast U.S. in-person with virtual option.)
The full AGENDAS with all speakers for each of our 5 days are shown at, HERE.
The multiple kinds of continuing education credits are shown at, HERE.
As always, all our days are APPROVED for all ABLM/ACLM uses, from exam prerequisite Event CME to Diplomate Maintenance.
The PRICES for single days or 3-, 4- or 5-day bundles are shown at, HERE, and DISCOUNTS for certain physicians or other professionals are shown at, HERE. (The promo codes for those discounts are used only in the final paying stage of our online registration.)
Our P-FLEX approach lets you register for even a single day or any combination of our 5 days, getting 5 to 37 hours, as described HERE below on this page.
That scheduling FLEXIBILITY lets you choose days to meet many kinds of personal needs you may have, such as needing 20+ CE hours overall, needing to avoid all Saturdays, needing to avoid all weekdays, needing to get all your year's CEs within one Friday-Sunday weekend, having no more than one day to spare in any week, etc.
Our unique innovative curriculum of 15 Core Topic Areas that will be covered during the conferences is shown at, HERE.​
Virtual vs. In-person 2025
P-POD's conferences since the 2014 founding have included IN-PERSON days for every year except for the first two COVID-19 pandemic years 2020-2021. Each of the FIVE (see SCHEDULE BELOW) 2025 conference days is offered as a virtual livestream, but the Sunday October 5 one is expected to become northeast U.S. in-person with virtual option. See its agenda HERE.
The VIRTUAL conference days in the price lists represent LIVE ACCESS during their stated dates, and this is what is recognized by accreditors for CE purposes. As an additional courtesy, free access to recordings of the presentations after they are ready is provided to registrants for a few months.
These 2025 registrations are not for an on-demand enduring-materials product, but we intend that at a later date we will begin to offer 2024 and 2025 conference presentations as accredited on-demand courses with their own pricing on their own price lists. Note that for a number of continuing education purposes, such as qualification for Lifestyle Medicine Diplomate exams, only live attendance credits are accepted, never on-demand attendance credits.
For any P-POD Conference day that is ever offered in-person, MEALS during the conference hours are included in registration prices. Meals are made from plant-based vegan whole foods, without wheat being used as an ingredient, and with no-added-oil options available for each dish.
P-POD assumes it has permission to utilize, for promotional and educational purposes, PHOTOGRAPHIC images of the conference proceedings and incidental audience presence, unless prior written notification is received from individual attendees that such permission is withheld with regard to them.
Schedule, Timing 2025
These are the 5 conference days for 2025, which may be attended alone or in any combination:
8 hours: Sunday September 14 (virtual)
5 hours: Friday September 26 (virtual)
8 hours: Saturday September 27 (virtual)
8 hours: Sunday September 28 (virtual)
8 hours: Sunday October 5 (virtual, but expected to become northeast U.S. in-person with virtual option)
PRICES for single days or combinations are all shown at, HERE.
TIMES on Saturday or Sunday are 10:00am-7:45pm ET (7:00am-4:45pm PT).
TIMES on Friday are 2:30-8:30pm ET (11:30am-5:30pm PT).
P-FLEX, Choose 2025 Days You Want
Our P-FLEX approach, first introduced in 2024, lets you register for even a single day, or else any combination of the year's days offered, which for 2025 amount to FIVE days (see SCHEDULE ABOVE) and 37 hours of possibilities.
That scheduling FLEXIBILITY lets you choose days to meet many kinds of personal needs you may have, and here are many examples of what you could arrange:
• 3 days, 21 hours (Fri. Sept. 26, Sat. Sept. 27, Sun. Sept. 28) in a pre-made price-breaked bundle seen HERE.
• 3 days, 24 hours (Sun. Sept. 14, Sun. Sept. 28, Sun. Oct. 5) where the 3 8-hour days can all be registered for SINGLY.
• Or, choose any of the 3 possible 2-day pairs within the above, for 16 hours.
• Do any of the "DO SUNDAYS ONLY" possibilities just above.
• 4 days, 29 hours (Sun. Sept. 14, Fri. Sept. 26, Sun. Sept. 28, Sun. Oct. 5) is a pre-made price-breaked bundle seen HERE.
• 3 days, 21 hours, with 3 possible ways the days can all be registered for SINGLY:
(Sun. Sept. 14, Fri. Sept. 26, Sun. Sept. 28)
(Sun. Sept. 14, Fri. Sept. 26, Sun. Oct. 5)
(Fri. Sept. 26, Sun. Sept. 28, Sun. Oct. 5)
• Or, choose any of the 6 possible 2-day pairs within the above, for 13 or 16 hours.
• If a Friday-sundown-beginning religious Sabbath observance is related to needed avoidance of a Saturday conference day, then the following is a note about Friday timing for the 21-hour packages shown just above...
• For U.S. participants who are in the Central time zone (or in Eastern anywhere west of Lansing MI, Cincinnati OH, Lexington KY, Atlanta GA or Tallahassee FL), if you signed out from the conference one hour before it ends on Fri. Sept. 26, you would have completed 4 hours, all before sundown. Therefore you could use the 21-hour packages above to achieve 20 continuing education hours without conflicting with your Sabbath.
• Individuals farther west (Mountain time zone, Pacific time zone etc.) could complete all 5 Friday P-POD hours before sundown, thus can earn all 21 hours without conflict.
• 4 days, 32 hours (Sun. Sept. 14, Sat. Sept. 27, Sun. Sept. 28, Sun. Oct. 5) is a pre-made price-breaked bundle seen HERE.
• 3 days, 24 hours, with 3 possible ways the days can all be registered for SINGLY:
(Sun. Sept. 14, Sat. Sept. 27, Sun. Sept. 28)
(Sun. Sept. 14, Sat. Sept. 27, Sun. Oct. 5)
(Sat. Sept. 27, Sun. Sept. 28, Sun. Oct. 5)
• Or, choose any of the 6 possible 2-day pairs within the above, for 16 hours.
• 3 days, 21 to 24 hours, with 3 possible ways the days can all be registered for SINGLY:
(21 hours: Sun. Sept. 14, Fri. Sept. 26, Sun. Oct. 5)
(24 hours: Sun. Sept. 14, Sat. Sept. 27, Sun. Oct. 5)
(24 hours: Sun. Sept. 14, Sun. Sept. 28, Sun. Oct. 5)
• Or, choose any of the 6 possible 2-day pairs within the above, for 13 or 16 hours.