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In-person Lifestyle Med. 10+ Conference, Orlando FL
Sat. Oct. 23 - Sun. Oct. 24
Qualified in-person ABLM/ACLM learning

Costs, timing and registration details are below.  Details about program and professional credentialing are HERE.

Credit/debit card or check

Full Conference is an 12 hour educational program, Saturday 2:30 pm Eastern to Sunday 5:25 pm Eastern, with an optional concluding dinner starting at 5:30.  (Registration includes prior conference meals.)  Sunday morning presentations begin 8:50 am Eastern.

Please scroll down this page for information about costs, discounts and discounted groups, and conference policies.

Click here for continuing education details.

Click here to see the full Agendas and Schedules.

Conference Costs and Deadlines


  • August 19 is the end of Early Bird pricing for the Oct. 23-24 in-person Lifestyle Med. 10+, Orlando

  • September 30 is the end of Advance pricing for the Oct. 23-24 in-person Lifestyle Med. 10+, Orlando (then Final pricing continues)

Registration rates are below, labeled as "Webinars" for the previous June 25-27 webinar prices, and as "October" for the in-person Lifestyle Med. 10+ Orlando prices.

Our costs of processing registrations and payments will average an estimated $9/person, but we will add only a $2 charge for this during registration.  Our nonprofit invites you, if you wish, either to make an optional donation during registration to make up for this, or else to pay your registration by mailing a check, which should save us an average of $7 or $8 in costs.

Practitioners Earning Continuing Education Credits

Physicians - Webinars



Extreme Early Bird



Early Bird









Other Professionals - Webinars



Extreme Early Bird



Early Bird









Physicians - October


Extreme Early Bird


Early Bird






Other Professionals - October


Extreme Early Bird


Early Bird






No Continuing Education Credits

General Public - Webinars



Extreme Early Bird



Early Bird









Students - Webinars



Extreme Early Bird



Early Bird









General Public - October


Extreme Early Bird


Early Bird






Students - October


Extreme Early Bird


Early Bird






P-POD T-shirts!  Go to:

Grass Green or Cooler Blue


An alternative to chemicalized shirts!

Extra large, Large, Medium, Small, Extra small

including shipping

Optional Dinner, October Conference-End

Flat Price, Sunday 5:30 pm Eastern


(No further discounts available)

Meals at October Conference

All meals are 100% vegan without use of wheat as an ingredient, with oil-free options available.  Meals from conference opening through Sunday lunch are included with registration.  You may optionally register for a farewell dinner starting at conference end, Sunday 5:30 pm Eastern, with maximum 2-hour serving time.  Sunday breakfast will have a 2-hour serving range spanning beyond the first presentation's beginning at 8:50 am Eastern.

Discounts and Discounted Groups

We have two types of discounts:

(1) Occasionally, a temporary discount code may be issued promotionally to individuals in some special situation, and that code could be applied during registration for a price reduction on attendance.

(2) Members of certain groups may use the discount codes listed below for reduction of the "Physician" or "Other Health Professionals" prices during registration.  

  • Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group (code VNDPG)

  • Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (code PCRM)

  • (Recipients of) Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate, T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies (code CNS)

  • (Employees of) Adventist Health, West Coast and Hawaii (code ADVEN)

  • Association of American Indian Physicians (code AAIP)

  • Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists (code ADCES)

  • Dietitians in Integrative and Functional Medicine Dietetic Practice Group (code DIFM)

  • American Holistic Nurses Association (code AHNA)

  • (Employees of) Indian Health Service (code IHS)

  • Indians in Nutrition and Dietetics (code IND)

  • Michigan Council of Nurse Practitioners (code MICNP)

  • (Michigan) Integrated Health Associates (code IHA)

  • (Michigan) Plant Based Nutrition Support Group (code PBNSG)

  • (Practitioners involved with) Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute (code ROCH)

  • Triangle Vegetarian Society (code TVS)

  • Certified Vegan Lifestyle Coaches and Educators (code VLCE)

  • Virginia Nurses Association (code VNA)


P-POD assumes it has permission to utilize, for promotional and educational purposes, photographic images of the conference proceedings and incidental audience presence, unless prior written notification is received from individual attendees that such permission is withheld with regard to them.


A cancellation could always be an opportunity to exercise extraordinary generosity and donate your payments to the P-POD Scholarship Fund.

Any cancellation that results from your own illness or that of your immediate family members, will allow you these options:  
• applying toward any future P-POD event, all payments we received;  or
• if notice is received more than 8 days before the conference you registered for, receiving full refunds without any cancellation fee.

A cancellation for any other reason, requested 45 days or more prior to the conference you registered for, will allow you these options:
• applying toward any future P-POD event, all payments we received;  or
• receiving a refund of all payments we received, minus $45 which will go into the P-POD Scholarship Fund.

A cancellation for any other reason, requested less than 45 days but more than 8 days prior to the conference you registered for, will allow you these options:
• refunding 50% of the total amounts paid, or else applying 90% of the total paid toward any future P-POD event (with remainders going to the P-POD Scholarship Fund).

A cancellation for any other reason, requested 8 days or less prior to the conference you registered for, will allow you this option:
• applying toward any other P-POD event, 1/3rd of all payments we received, with the remainder going to the P-POD Scholarship Fund.


We're pleased to continue our scholarship program, which launched in 2019.  A small number of full registration-fee-only scholarships will be awarded in the coming months for our October 2021 event.  [Please note also that various opportunities for volunteer participation do come up throughout the year.  If interested, please see our Volunteer page.] 

(1) You have not yet registered for the conference.
(2) You have a good reason for attending P-POD.
(3) You can demonstrate financial need that is an obstacle to your attendance.
(4) You have not received a P-POD scholarship in the past.

(1) Our October 2021 scholarship application may now be downloaded at

(2) You must apply by a Friday, August 27, 2021 deadline for the October 23-24 in-person Lifestyle Med. 10+, Orlando FL.

(3) Scholarship award recipients will be notified by Friday, September 3, 2021.

(4) If you are a recipient, you must accept or decline the offer within one week of its being made.

(5) If you are offered a scholarship and you live outside the local area of the conference, then the scholarship will be considered confirmed and final when you provide confirmation that you have made travel and housing arrangements for attending.  We require this, because many nonprofits who offer event scholarship programs, experience a large number of "no-shows", thus we want to be able to transfer your award to another qualified person if you cannot follow through.  Please note that P-POD has arranged for reasonably priced hotel rooms to be available for any interested attendees on-site at the conference facility.  All conference details are at, which also links to our page dedicated to hotel accommodations and booking.

Please note that all scholarships awarded by P-POD are given in the memory of one or more deceased individuals, as follows:

  • Cesar Chavez, nonviolent activist for farmworker rights, and a vegan.

  • George Eisman, one of the founding members of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group.

  • Julie Loveless, one of our pioneering volunteers from the first two conference years of P-POD.

  • Meghan Murphy, the founding Director of the T. Colin Campbell Foundation.

  • Florence Nightingale, one of the key historical figures in the evolution of the nursing profession in the U.S.

Continuing Education

We are pleased to offer affordable opportunities for health professionals. Click here for details.

Costs, Deadlines
Discounts, Groups
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