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Aurora Leon (Conde), MD
Co-proprietor, Monarca Health direct primary care clinic, Keene NH
Medical Director, New Seasons outpatient opiod treatment center, Keene NH
Co-developer, Vegetariano en 21 Días program, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Member of Advisory Board, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Primary care physician for 5 years, Willimantic CT
Certified Food for Life instructor, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Aurora Leon (Conde), MD has spent much of her professional career in medicine serving the underserved. She completed her medical degree at Universidad Anahuac, Mexico City, and her Internal Medicine Residency at St. Luke's - Roosevelt Hospital Center in New York City, and also holds a Master's degree in Systemic Family Therapy. She has on multiple occasions provided medical service to economically disadvantaged persons and those without adequate access to care resources, in settings in Mexico and the U.S., and during one summer in Nepal.
For 5 years, Dr. Leon practiced at a nonprofit Federally Qualified Clinic in Connecticut. She and husband Joaquin Carral (Gomez), MD now run an affordability-focused increased-patient-communication-focused direct primary care practice in Keene NH.
At Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dr. Leon has been co-developer of the Spanish-language Vegetariano en 21 Días program, an advisory board member and for a number of years a Food for Life instructor. She was the author of chapter on colon cancer prevention through dietary measures in the book “Rethink Food: 100+ Doctors Can't Be Wrong”, edited by Castle and Goodman. She is an ultramarathon runner.