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Below Is the Complete Viewable Agenda for June 25-26, 2022, Raleigh NC (+ Virtual Option), Not Chronological but Organized Alphabetically by Speaker.

If instead you wish to DOWNLOAD a simple unformatted chronological agenda with all JUNE details on one page, please use this button:

Sharan Abdul-Rahman, MD MBA NCMP

 Is the U.S. Failing Women?

Brian Asbill, MD FACC DipABLM

Lifestyle Medicine:  Longevity, Healthspan and Ikigai

Tinka Barnes, MD

Identifying and Overcoming Barriers to Accessing Adequate Care and Nutritious Foods in Vulnerable Communities

Lily Correa, MPH RDN DipACLM

Bellevue Plant-based Lifestyle Medicine Program:  A Plantastic Approach

Chef Nina Curtis, MBA

[See special presentations near bottom of list.]

Michelle Dalal, MD FAAP DipABLM

Bolstering Teen Mood:  A Nutrition and Lifestyle Based Approach to Manage Depression

Andrew Freeman, MD FACC FACP

The Year in Plants 2022:  How the Latest Science Makes Plant-based Diets the Key to Success in Human Health


Type 2 Diabetes Reversal with Whole Food Plant-based Diets:  Practical Implementation in a Real-world Scenario

James Loomis, MD MBA FACLM DipABLM

Get Your Move On:  The New Science of Exercise


Parts 1 and 2:  Nutrition and Gut Microbiota in Mental Health

Amber Orman, MD DipABLM

Breast Cancer and the 6 Pillars of Lifestyle Medicine

Sharon Palmer, MSFS RDN

Whole Grain and Whole Legume Cuisines vs. Chronic Disease

[Sharon Palmer, MSFS RDN

Putting Sustainability into Professional Practice

Annamarie Rodriguez, RDN LD FAND

Alleviating the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease:  Proactive  Nutrition Strategies

[Abdul-Rahman + Dalal + Gulati]

Women's Health Empowerment through the Lifespan

[Barnes + Correa]

Followup Conversation:  Lifestyle and Community Resources vs. Chronic Disease

[Asbill + Curtis + Freeman + Palmer]

Heart Health:  Culinary Events vs. Coronary Events

[Curtis + Rodriguez]

Eating Plants to Alleviate Taste Fatigue in Chronic Kidney Disease

[Loomis + Merlo]

Integrating Physical and Mental Health via Lifestyle Medicine's 6 Pillars

Annamarie Rodriguez, RDN LD FAND and Sharon Palmer, MSFS RDN present as Speakers Bureau members, Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

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